Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mobile Blood Drives – Open to the Public

American Red Cross, Northern California Region

Mobile Blood Drives – Open to the Public

March 2008

Updated on 2/19/2008 and subject to change.

For further information, phone 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or visit

Walnut Creek
Tuesday, March 4, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Rossmoor Lions

1001 Goldenrain Rd., Walnut Creek

Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or go to
(Code: ROSSMOORLIONS) to schedule an appointment.

Walnut Creek
Wednesday, March 12, noon – 6 p.m.

John Muir Medical Center
Ball Auditorium, 1601 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek

Please call John Muir's Health Management dept. at:
(925) 947-5355 to schedule an appointment.

Tara L. Weekes

American Red Cross Northern California Blood Services Region
Phone: 510.594-5204
Fax: 510.601.7954

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pinole Recall Wins Landslide Victory

Alegria and Tilton swept out of office!

PINOLE, February 5, 2008 - In a landslide referendum on the politics and policies of two members of Pinole's city government, 15-year Councilwoman Maria Alegria and first-term Councilman Stephen Tilton were swept out of office Tuesday in a landslide recall vote, and three new council members were elected.

The final vote to recall Maria Alegria stood at 3,083 YES (58.73%), and 2,166 NO (41.27%). Roy Swearingen, a former councilman in 1986-90, won the election to replace Alegria with 1,838 votes (45.06%), followed by Steve Denlis with 1,215 votes (29.79%), John Bender with 887 votes (21.75%), and 139 write-in votes (3.41%).

Alegria had served on the council since 1992, and was in the last year of her fourth term.
Stephen Tilton, elected to the council in November 2006, was also voted out of office by a wide margin. The number of YES votes to recall Tilton was 2,957 (57.68%), with 2,170 NO votes (42.32%) cast. Virginia Fujita, a retired City of Pinole personnel specialist, won Tilton's seat with 3,420 votes (92.78%). She ran unopposed. There were 266 write-in votes (7.22%).

In the race for the council seat vacated when David Cole resigned last August, long-time planning commissioner Debbie Long trounced former Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ivette Ricco. Long had 3,201 votes (67.21%), while Ricco garnered 1,496 votes (31.41%). There were 66 write-in votes (1.39%).

For more information, please visit

Concerned Citizens of Pinole for the Recall of
Maria Alegria and Stephen Tilton
(510) 724-9507, office and home (try this first)
(510) 303-2700, cell