Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Virginia Fujita Enters Pinole Coucilman Race

PINOLE, November 24, 2007 - The Concerned Citizens of Pinole (CCOP), the grass-roots group that is spearheading the recall of Mayor Maria Alegria and Councilman Stephen Tilton, is pleased to announce that Virginia Fujita, a retired personnel specialist for the city, has entered the race to replace Tilton.

Fujita, who retired last year and was re-hired by the city this year on a part-time basis without benefits, is the first Japanese-American to ever run for the council in Pinole. She will be elected if Tilton is recalled, as she is the only candidate running.

Two candidates are running for Alegria's seat; one will be elected should she be recalled. They are former Councilman Roy Swearingen, who served from 1987 to 1990, and machine shop owner Steve Denlis. Denlis has endorsed the recall but is not a CCOP member.

In a separate special election for former Councilman David Cole's seat, the candidates are Pinole Planning Commissioner Debbie Long and former Pinole Camber of Commerce Executive Director Ivette Ricco. Cole resigned his seat in August.

Ricco has a long association with Alegria and Pear Street Bistro owner/former Chamber of Commerce President Gary Wong, whose failure to make monthly payments on nearly half a million dollars on his Pinole Redevelopment Agency loans for more than two years was a catalyst for the recall.

All three elections will be on Tuesday, February 5, the day of the California Presidential Primary.

The League of Women Voters, in partnership with the Contra Costa Times, will sponsor a recall debate on Thursday, January 10, 2008, at the Pinole Senior Center. The time will be announced. Alegria, Tilton, recall spokespersons, and the candidates running in all three elections will be invited to participate.

Concerned Citizens of Pinole for the Recall of
Maria Alegria and Stephen Tilton
(510) 724-9507, office and home (try this first)
(510) 303-2700, cell

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